Friday 29 November 2013

Mini Adventure Series No2 (21st-22nd April)

The Snowy Mountains (minus the snow)

So off we went for another weekend away. Well Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Shearing Saturday meant I had to work the morning. I was given a warm clothes warning. I soon became very skilled at packing a very small 'any eventuality' bag. This time though we ended up in the Snowy Mountains.

We got to Tumut, our main destination in time for a good night out. Turned out there was a rodeo in town that weekend so despite it only being a small town, the night out was very good and memorable. Casey unfortunately is not a fan of rodeos, so when wee headed off on Sunday morning he didn't stop at the rodeo, but promised if it were still on when we came back later, we would stop. No such luck.

Our day started off with a quick stop at Blowering Dam, which was basically just pretty views. Did start off my roadsign pictures collection. Original I know!

Then on into the Kosciusko National Park and spectacular mountain views and Australia's highest peak.

Somewhere along the way we stopped off at Yarrangobilly Caves which were beautiful and surprisingly free. While it wasn't deep caving or anything like that, the features were quite beautiful. Lots of stalagmites and stalactites and crystals. We had a really nice wander through anyway!

Onwards to brumby spotting, though we actually failed to spot any, and we didn't get as far as the ghost town but we did go up to the snow fields, that didn't have any snow. Generally we had a nice day just wandering around the Snowys.

And though we didn't get back to Tumut in time for the rodeo, we did stop off at 'Dog on a Tucker Box', a little highway service village that seems to exist solely because of that statue!

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